Friday 15 November 2013


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For the physical sculpt we started off with using foil and turning it into skull shape. It wasn’t easy to get the structure and I made many mistakes and had to start again. Finally I got the right shape and structure and began to poke features into my foil model, poked eyes and formed the jaw shape.

Once I was happy with my head I began to place my first layer of clay on the model.
I started by carefully placing the clay around the eyes of my model, making sure not to ruin the outline of the eye socket.
We used different Wax Carver tools for our physical sculpt, each tool had its own unique use. Each tool had a different tip for different jobs, specific heads that I used were arrow shaped head, file head and the angled head tool.

In my sculpture each tool had it's own use, the arrow shaped head tool was for my detail. It was used for marking out the hair lines with the sharp tip of the arrow.
This was an effective way of producing an accurate hair style which matches my original photo, I used the tool around my eyes and mouth. For my eyes I focused around the eye sockets and increasing the depth of the socket, this defines the face more and brings more attention to the eyes.
For the mouth I used the 


Wednesday 13 November 2013


Sculpting and 3D Modelling

For our project we’ve been asked to create a physical sculpt and a 3D model using Zbrush. For reference we’ll be using photos of our face and shoulders, This will be our bust for out model and sculpture.
We were also told that we have a theme for project which was zombies. I personally like this idea because it opens up so many different possibilities for us, with zombie-fying on our faces we can get look more into the anatomy of the human head. A  Zombie’s face are usually portrayed with the skin been stretched and the flesh decaying around the bones leaving the disfigured look which we all recognise as the typical zombie.
My goal for this project will be to successfully create an accurate representation of my head and face but with an un-dead feel.
A zombie model made in Zbrush.
To turn us into zombies we had to first get our faces taken, using a HD camera we took an orthographic photos of our head and bust and then we lined them up in Adobe Photoshop and started to change our faces. This was extremely fun, using the burn tool we could darken our skin to create the awesome shadows and using the liquefying tool we could stretch our skin. Pulling the photo in or out to help define the zombie look. For my face I wanted to the attention to be around my eyes so I brought the skin from my cheeks closer to my eyes. Not only did this makes my eye sockets more defined but it also made my jaw and mouth thiner, this was intended. I wanted a deprived look and I was happy with the result. After finishing the liquefying and brought the images together and added a background colour which gave my face more of an dirty and ill look.
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We will be using clay for our physical sculpt and we’ll be using Zbrush for our digital design.
Unlike green stuff which we used for last project clay is a lot easier to mold and when it’s dried we are able to shave away any unnecessary left over clay. So far I’ve enjoyed using the clay more than the green stuff.
I haven’t yet been able to start my work in Zbrush as of yet but from what I’ve researched it looks like a software with good mechanics and great potential, I’m looking forward to using it.


This is my final front view of my zombie face, I’m happy with outcome from my photoshop work. I’ve captured the grim and scary representation of a zombie to my liking. From my original picture I’ve changed dramatically but been able to keep my facial features with make me recognisable, even when I’m un-dead you can still make out that it’s me.
Noticeable features are the teeth and worn skin around my right eye. Using photoshops crop tool I was able to transfer the teeth over to my original picture and place the image onto a separate layer, after this I turned the transparency down so I could line it up properly and begin to change my jaw and mouth structure to suit the image, afterwards using the burn and brush tool I applied tones and highlights to key parts of my face to bring attention to the areas of interest.

Using the burn tool and insert the image I was able to blend and smudge the image properly. 
For my reference I used many different images from sources like The walking dead's, Greg Nicotero. He is incredibly talented at zombie make up and his great work gave me awesome ideas for my photoshop work.
The two images on the side are my main source for my work, recreating the worn down and dry skin from the first image was difficult but my end results was what I had in mind.
Lowering the transparency of the edited image and using the crop tool I could remove the edges which didn't fit and made the image look more realistic.
The second image was my reference for my head shape and I also edited the mouth and recreated it. Tpyical zombie has his/her face shape very unhealthy looking, the eye sockets and jaw are more deprived of flesh and healthy look. I wanted to recreate this by using the liquefying tool and carefully modifying my face but keeping the resemblance of my original photo.